Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Michele Bachman 2012 (DB)

Several decades ago, like Edmund from “the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”, I walked into a snowy, wintry realm. Edmund found Narnia, I found Stearns County. Stearns County was a land of hockey, frozen tundra, rancid beer, lutefisk, Vikings angst, ice fishing, and a underlining collective thinking of twisted right-wing fantasist that spawned a beautiful White Witch. The mythology of this place at the time was forged from the works of Jon Hassler and Garrison Keillor. Gerry Sikorski, a Democratic Farmer-Labor party member was the congressional representative in those days. Now, Jadis, aka Michele Bachman, (leg, tingle-free), holds the office. I left that place, but Michele remains; now setting her sights on ruling these United States. If the decent people living in places like St Cloud, Waite Park, and Sauk Rapids can fall under her spell, will we all, and face the Hundred Years Winter? Nah. There just isn't that much 'Turkish Delight" to go around.  

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