Monday, December 5, 2011

The National Football League

Dallas Cowboy’s coach Jason Garrett explained that he called time-out before his own kicker attempted a game-winning field-goal by saying he was trying to “ice” his own kicker due to the guy “being a little too big for his britches, walking around the locker all the time being snotty, and getting mad about the time I spilled appletini all over his duvet”…..Bear's coach “Lovie” Smith admits to having a strange fixation on 60’s character-actor Jim Backus…Can you solve this riddle? Aaron Rodgers and his son were in a car crash, Aaron passes and his son is rushed to the hospital, the surgeon comes out to operate and says “I can’t operate on this boy, he’s my son.” How is this possible? Answer: the surgeon was Aaron Rodgers….Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez admits to wanting to strive for inconsistency. Explains Sanchez: “Everyone is always going for consistency; I’m trying to blaze a trail and am striving for inconsistency. My childhood sports idol was QB David Krieg.”

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