Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Romney Fights Back Against Mandate Accusations

Former Gov. and Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney took the podium in Toledo yesterday to fire back at the charges that in 2009 he wrote an op-ed piece favoring mandates. "I have always been against men dating each other," said Romney. "Never in my life would I be for a man date. The idea! Okay, once, back in Harvard, I did kind of go out to a lunch with the head of the Economics department who was a guy who gave me a brooch at the end of the meal, which kind of weirded me out, and who turned out to be gay, so that was kind of a date if you look at it but since I didn't know it was a date at the time, it can't count. And that was 40 years ago. I wasn't for the man date then or now. Period."

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