Sunday, July 10, 2011

Betty Ford Shocker

Betty Ford was an advocate for passage of Equal Rights Amendment. She was a champion in the struggle for equal rights for women. But her family admitted upon her passing that she was no addict. “She never did any drugs or sipped a bit of alcohol,” said a family member. “It was all a front.” The family realized the double-life of sobriety that the former first lady was leading when her son, Jack, accidently stumbled upon a bottle labeled “Percodan” that was actually filled with ‘Good-N-Plenty’ candy. “We confronted her,” said the son, “and she admitted that the closest thing she ever came to a pain-killer addiction was the time she took two aspirin instead of one once when she had a headache.” With her death, the family felt comfortable with letting the world in on what had been a heavily-guarded secret known only to immediate family members and a few very close friends. “Now we just have to admit that our mother led a life completely free of drugs and alcohol, “said daughter Susan.

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