Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why China banned talk of time travel

The Government of the People's Republic of China banned the use of the idea of time travel in their country. What prompted this action was a recent report of the three worst ideas ever for the use of time travel...

1) Melvin Unger of Watertown, New York said that if given the ability to travel back in time, he would go back to the 1961, walk into Sterling Cooper ad agency, and pitch to Don Draper all the famous ad campaigns of the 70's and 80' Wisk detergent "ring around the collar', Charmin's "Mr Whipple", and the McDonald's 'I'm loving it'.

2) Eddie Lipholder of Crabapple Cove, Maine said he would go back in time to kill the infant inventor of the plastic things CD's are sold in so they would never be created.

3) Dick Winehurts of Saddlefront, Mississippi would go back to when Jennifer Lopez was on 'In Living Color" so he could ask her out before she became famous and "full of herself."

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